Friday, August 6, 2010

More than a few photosynths later..

Well, I am going to try and embed this in here to see if it works. It is my best out of about 30 photosynths I took. The sky was just perfect.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The end and the movie, thats all.

So guys/girls, as I fly back to Barcelona, and then London, and then Atlanta, arriving back to my home away from home on Wednesday night, I am ready to say goodbye. Life has brought me the most amazing friends and random travellers this summer, that in a quick 3 months, I was really satisfied with it all. I travelled to Rome, Greece and Amsterdam in the past week, and I am more than ready to head back. Travelling with my brother was a blessing, and I'm thankful that he got to come along. As I head back, I will make a video of all that I did and went through, using every video footage I have I hope. It will include the still unpublished shots of project one day, and everything I did.

Cheers, and thanks for reading, my travels now come to an end after this summer, where I plan to settle down a bit more. And then go to the phillipines and melbourne :D!

I'm off,

The Bifurcation...

No se que quieres que te diga, no quiero ni pensar. La vida es una cosa, dificil de explicar, al salir el sol, las bellezas del mundo, han de llegar, pero el oscurecer da a ver un interesante sentimiento, del mundo juzgado, y las acciones, bajo el microscopio de la vida. Te digo que creo que ya no puedo con las pantallas, y el contraste irreal. Es dificil analizar y no poder explicar, los sentimientos que por filtros han de pasar. Dame un escape dame una salida, pero al mismo tiempo no me lo des, no quiero saber y sentir lo que ya senti, y saber que no puedo sentir. Me mata, y me duele, se desaparece la cortina, y la sombra de dos ilumina el pasado, pero me freno. paro y trato de no ver el futuro, no pensar. Quiero disfrutar, pero las consequencias las tienes que pensar. Ya no se que decirte.. Ni como sentirme. Dejare mi mente flotar mientras la noche me ayuda a levantar. pero entonces, me llega la logica. A veces no se puede, pero uno no ha de detenerse. No se.. Lo dormire..

Y no puedo. Tu disculpa y tu perdona, pero ya no me importa. pense que era tonto vivir una ilusion, de verdad considere que estaba loco, y me encerre, mis sentimientos los escondi, no se podia, me decia, pero mejore. Mi mentalidad no es realista, por primera vez, no me importa ser ilusionista, porque mi imaginacion no es del cielo azul y la vida por siempre entera. Lo que yo imagino son las bellezas de una vida con deseos y esperanzas, porque es aquello que me tiene aqui, deseando mas y queriendo lo imposible. No se que digo, y estoy perdido, encontrare mi lugar con tiempo y sin tener mis sentimientos al escondido.

Its our eyes.. That make us see and not see.. Its our eyes that make us be.

Quiero tira lirica pa decirte que siento, confusion y pasiion pero mas que nada beneficio dentro del corazon. Hay que moverse fuera de lo fisico, salirse de la mezcla con lo que uno piensa, mitad de corazon y mitad de pura pasion, esa mierda es una ahuevason. No me lo creo, ni me lo espero, pero termino esta lirica abandonando lo esencial. Dejo todo el cuerpo, y por amistad y apreciacion, te tengo en mi corazon, y hasta aqui dejo la lirica. Gracias por la aclaracion, le agradezco al medio de palabras, porque la claridad del cielo y de la mente, sobrepasa la tentacion que comenzo esta confusion.

qk.. pal mundo.

Monday, July 19, 2010

tirando lirica..

no se que quieres que te diga, ando tirando lirica sin detenerme. las horas, las he perdido, la noche, sin motivo. esto no es humano, y te digo que el sufrimiento no es en vano, pero tampoco necesario. ando tirando pensamientos pero yo en el mundo, soy privilegiado. no creo que necesito motivo, ni razon para criticar, llevo una vida preciosa, y aqui he llegado sin necesidad.

Hay que cambiar la mentalidad, dentro de uno, nada malo puede pasar. Uno lleva la vida hermosa, y nada te debe parar. las horas sin dormir, el trabajo sin cesar, porfavor, tu no llevas ni lagrimas en tu amanecer, tu no has perdido un hijo, una familia, o tu vida en guerra. tu vives en harmonia, en la paz, y en la belleza. tu vives analizando los problemas, no viviendolos, asi que no vengas con llanto, porque a mi pais, las lagrimas se las doy a los de la batalla de lepanto, a ti no te doy nada, porque lo tienes, solo abre los ojos, y agradecele a dios, que sigues vivo.

y por eso ando aqui con una sonrisa. van 6 horas dormidas en dos dias pasados, no se adonde ando, sigo trabajando, pero se que mi vida todavia se considera hermosa, porque por lo que yo he pasado, otros moririan por. no me vengas con critica, ni con lagrima, no me vengas con las creencias de que tu estas en lo peor del mundo, porque lo peor no lo has vivido, y menos ni visto. sabes hablar y tirar lirica sobre que esta pasando, me puedes decir el numero de muertos, y analizar como prevenir estas tragedias, pero al final del dia, tu sigues parado alli, sin hacer nada, sin prevenir, asi que no quiero tu mierda, no quiero tus pensamientos, porque tu nos has visto sangre, y ninguna vida les ha dado vida. mientras tu sigues analizando, otros se tiran a la muerte por la vida de uno, tu no tienes dignidad, ni respeto, tu vives la vida de politico, con sonrisas y falsas preocupaciones. no me vengas a decir que hay una solucion, porque si yo no te veo en el campo peleando por los que llamas tus hermanos, para mi, no vales nada.

quedate en tu saco, y sigue sonriendo, eres el demonio al ver que tus hermanos sufren, no te quedes alli parado, ve, y cambia el mundo, porque todos somos capaces, pero al igual que yo, solo tiramos lirica. hablar lo hago yo y lo hacen todos, pero mi respeto se los mando a los que se pueden parar, los que se logran callar, y los que al mundo, han ido a cambiar.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Project One Day

Today I am going to go out and take lots and lots of video and pictures to try and compose a video of just one day of shots, probably until my camera just runs out of battery. It is just going to be inspired out of the Barcelona life, so I'm going to hope everything goes great :).


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Una noche perfecta.. La Oreja de Van Gogh

I had heard of La Oreja de Van Gogh (LOVG) before, and I enjoyed their music. It wasn't until recently when I discussed with my friend Yarian that there was going to be a concert in Barcelona that I decided to start listening to some of their recent work.

I must say going to that concert was just... a phenomenal thing. We got lost at first, and we got extremely ripped off by a cab driver who took us from the airpor to the plaec he said the concert was for 45 euros. I do not why I agreed to the price, I just really wanted to get there. The price was ridiculous and we got obviously ripped off, but I wouldn't have it any other way. After walking around this beautiful town for a good 30 minutes, we turned around and magically saw a cab driver leave someone off. This great guy knew where the concert actually was and drove us there, to the town nearby. Once we got there, the song I had been listening to all day, Jueves - La Oreja de Van Gogh, started playing. I was just... in heaven. It was the most beautiful song of two people on a metro, and how they would stand in silence, with sometimes a glance, but never some words, until eventually a name is mentioned, and they kiss as the metro goes through a tunnel. It was in memory of the Madrid bombings on March 11, 2004, and to me it was just perfect. The concert went on, and I had a blast.

At the end of it, we went into this bar, and as we were speaking English, this local girl looked over, noticing that I was oddly speaking another language (we were in a completely Spanish town). She looked cute, and we interchanged looks, and after I walked out of the bar, I looked back once more, and we had that final look. Then after buying some food at OpenCor, and figuring out what we were going to get back, we walk back to OpenCor as that is where the cab driver is going to pick us up. In this walk, the girl and I pass by each other, and she asks me in Spanish, where I was from. There was something about her look that simply touched me. She was just beautiful, and had a beautiful persona, that I left the concert in a magical phase. There were many factors to it, but it could have not ended in a more phenomenal way.

And with that, I say good night,

Thursday, June 24, 2010

In the forest..

Haha this is me sort of lost in the forest deciding to head back through the same route I took because I had no idea where this forest trail was taking me.
