Friday, May 14, 2010

Badenstrasse 420 =].

As I arrived at Zurich, Switzerland, I remembered that I had completely forgotten how to even practice any attempt at German I would use when I got into the country. Nonetheless, I was up for the challenge. All I had to say to my cab driver was Crowne Plaza. Of course, he was a little confused and needed something slightly more specific, so I had to be a smart ass and read out the street name in a German sounding accent (which probably sounded retarded considering I am terrible at accents).

Nonetheless, it was a success. He nodded, and then proceeded to say Ah! Badenstrasse "insert gibberish to represent 420 here", which sort of scared me, but I felt he knew where he was going.

We had a great moment of silent as we both saw the bill increase quickly, as this Swiss friend sped through and nearly emptied my bank account. Nonetheless, we had made it to Crown Plaza. Now I wanted to be polite, ah crap, my cover had to be blown.

I perhaps knew how to read a little, but how the hell am I supposed to say keep it in German? Apparently its "halten Sie die Ă„nderung". That sounds like stop the car I'm about to die, but apparently that's keep the change. Anyways, I paid him with Franks, which to be honest (I was going to say frank, just for the pun of it haha), is play money. It's the funniest thing I've seen, the money is all colorful, ahh... I love it.

I'm about to go outside to a pharmacy, perhaps buy some contact lenses liquid, and take my camara out for an adventure. Switzerland looks like a truly calm, and really beautiful place. The distribution of green space, and the overall setup of the city have made it truly enjoyable.

This makes 17 countries, I had one more beer at like 5am at the airport in Barcelona, and I haven't had any shots yet.

qk, out.


  1. haha loved reading of your little adventure, and look forward to more! :)

  2. haha awesome. keep us posted bro
